Friday, 13 April 2018 – Crater Lake National Park

Today we were extra lazy getting around. We knew Crater Lake National Park was experiencing snow and poor visibility. The website said the road to the Rim Village was temporarily closed until 1 or 2pm to clear heavy snows received last night. So we drug our feet, drove to Klamath Falls and I bought snow chains at O’Reilly’s Auto Parts. Didn’t think I would need them but our Journey is likely to take us all the way to Alaska kind of early in the season so it seems prudent. We did a quick Wal Mart run and then ate lunch at the Klamath Basin Brewing Company. We had a super tasty BBQ Burger but the micro brew I thought was only fair.
About 2pm we headed for Crater Lake NP. The park was a little less than an hour drive. While it was fairly warm and partly cloudy in Klamath, halfway to the park it was low clouds and intermittent rain. The temperature kept dropping until it was about 32F at the park visitor center. The visitor center had drifts about 6 feet and the building entrance was through the snow tunnel. Crater has a nice visitor center with a well done video to watch. We watched most of the video and headed to Rim Village where you might be able to see the lake. At the Rim the drifts were at least 8 feet thick. The road to the Rim had been cleared so the drive was easy. We found an out of the way parking area to let Maverick run off leash. Boy, did he have a great time. The snow where we let him off was about 2ft and he jumped, ran, and burrowed with glee. We found a spot to access the Rim viewing trail. Again the snow was about 2ft but only a 10-20 yard slog to the viewing trail. No luck on viewing the lake for us. There were probably 6-10 people wishing to catch a glimpse but only one family claimed to even have seen the water. We enjoyed the snow covered forest and steep slope we assume ended at the lake. After a little bit we slogged back to the car and drove back to the coach. As I write this I checked the Crater Lake web cam again and low and behold you could see the lake in its entirety for the first time today. We missed it by an hour or two. Bummer. Oh well, that the way it goes. Tomorrow we head for Bend Oregon. We’ve heard quite a lot of positive reviews of Bend so we are going to spend 4 nights there.

A little snow at the Crater Lake visitor center
Maverick having a great time in the snow
Unfortunate view of Crater Lake from the rim

Thursday, 12 April 2018 – Travel Day to Chiloquin Oregon

The drive North from our RV park was really scenic. We didn’t realize that only a couple of miles North on I5 was a spectacular view of Shasta Lake set against the mountains. We would have visited that portion of the lake while at the park had we known. The drive was interrupted with short spurts of rain or snow. The temperature when we got to Chiloquin was 36F. Burr. We chose this park because its about ½ way to Bend Oregon and it is also a good place to visit Crater Lake National Park. Like Lassen, most of the Crater Lake park is closed for winter conditions, however the road to the visitor center is open. If the weather cooperates you can see the Lake from there. Unfortunately, the lake is only visible about 50% of the time due to fog so its going to random luck. The weather is predicted to be warmer and more clear tomorrow so we can hope. It took us about 3 ½ hours to get here to the RV park and the Crater Lake visitor center is about a 40 mile drive from here. The RV park is nearly empty and our spot looks straight out at a river only 50 yards away. Super nice.

A glimpse of Mount Shasta on the way to Chiloquin Oregon
Sunset at the Chiloquin RV park on the river

Wednesday, 11 April 2018 – Lassen National Park

Maverick loving the snow/ice at the Lassen visitor center
View from the Lassen Visitor Center

This morning we had breakfast at the Benton Airport Cafe instead of our usual in-coach breakfast. The cafe food was pretty good and it was neat to see some of the local general aviation flavor. There is a dog park right next to the cafe where we let Maverick run wild for a bit.

After the dog park we headed out for Lassen Volcanic National Park. We knew there wasn’t much open in the park but though it might be a scenic drive. The drive was a really scenic 1 ½ hour each way. We took the back road to get there and the more major road coming back. The weather went from about 60F in Redding to about 36F at the visitor center. The forest near the visitor center is really pretty and at the visitor center the snow next to the road was about 4-5 feet high. The visitor center was pretty standard for the parks. There were people hiking the mountain at the visitor center and skiing down. We let Maverick play in the packed snow for 10 or so minutes. He was disappointed the snow wasn’t soft but had a blast.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018 – Lake Shasta Dam

Maverick is dam excited at the visitor center!
Halfway through the tour at the base of the dam
Tour of the hydroelectric generators

Today we drove the short distance to the Shasta Lake Dam. Shasta Lake is set among very beautiful mountains. The dam offers free tours so we signed up. Being off season, the tour was Donna and I, a new Shasta Lake empoyee, and our tour guide. Shasta Lake is the second largest dam I the US behind the Grand Coolie dam in Washington State based on volume of concrete. The tour was very interesting and really enjoyable since there were only four of us including our guide. In the summer each tour is 40 people. The tour begins at one of the two towers on the top of the dam and descend to the base of the dam via elevator. You then go outside at the base of the dam to see many of the neat features. We then toured the turbine/generator facility. Our tour guide was a young woman who was fantastic. Our guide was super knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the dam and finding new bits of history.

Sundial Bridge in Redding

We explored a little of the town of Redding and took Maverick to the dog park near their small Benton airport.   One of the “attractions” in Redding is the Sundial Bridge.  It is part of a river recreation area with the Turtle Bay science center, botanical garden, and other attractions.  Afterwards we drove out to one of the Shasta Lake recreation areas on the East end of the Lake. It was a nice 15mile drive (one way) through the country but that part of the lake wasn’t very pretty. When we got back to the coach I worked on the computer and Donna fixed both Enchiladas and Lasagna to freeze and have for evening meals. We ate part of the Enchiladas for dinner sitting outside under our awning. It was really pleasant and relaxing.

Monday, 9 April 2018 – Travel Day to Redding CA

Maverick says “Goodbye” to the giant Redwoods.
Donna follows the coach for the last drive down the Avenue of the Giants

This morning we say goodbye to the giant Redwoods. We are truly sad to be leaving them. The trails were all wonderful and the trees in all of the parks were spectacular. This area is one of the highlights of our journey. The Ancient Redwoods RV Park was quiet, beautiful and peaceful. Today it was a beautiful but tough drive along Hwy 299. The drive was about 4 ½ hours mostly through mountains with many steep uphill and downhill grades with low speed switchbacks. The coach handled it great though the worst grade took us down to about 30 MPH by the summit. We ate lunch at Nugget Restaurant in Weaverville. It was clearly a local favorite and the burger was outstanding. The second half of the drive followed the Trinity River and was beautiful. We checked in at Mountain Gate RV park north of Redding. Reasonably nice and good price, but close to highway. Super warm today with high around 80. Supposed to be colder and rainy tomorrow.
We ran chores to a Credit Union, Camping World, and Walmart. We ate dinner at Chipotle. We reviewed our site-seeing options. We are really close to the popular Shasta Lake and we are reasonably close to Lassen Volcanic National Park, but when I checked tonight, nearly everything in the park is closed for winter conditions.

Sunday, 8 April 2018 – Redwood National and State Parks

Maverick enjoying the beach near the Kuchel Visitor Center
Elk Meadow
Large tree at the Prairie Creek visitor center

Today we drove HWY 101 up through Eureka, to Crescent City and through the Redwoods. Our first stop was at a beach near the Park Kuchel Visitor Center. The beach was very pretty with giant rocks embedded in the surf. The waves were quite violent and beautiful. Next we stopped briefly at the Lady Bird Johnson Grove Trailhead. The trailhead was very nice but we decided against a hike due to the long drive ahead. Our next stop was Elk Meadows where there is a herd of Elk that stay in the area. On down the road we stopped at the Prairie Creek State Park. Just next to the visitor center are beautiful trails around a grove of very large Redwoods. Leaving the park we traveled the Newton Drury Scenic Parkway, very nice.
We ate lunch at Subway in Crescent City before heading across HWY 199 through Jedediah Smith Park where some of the large Redwoods are found. We stopped at the first campground area in the Park and were able to let Maverick explore the beach of the Smith River. Another beautiful setting. We left the campground and followed the Howland Hill Road through the park and by the Stout Grove. The road was unimproved dirt/gravel/rock and quite narrow. The trees along the road were amazing. This road ends back in Crescent City where we enjoyed wandering around the beautiful coastline. We stumbled upon a nice dog park and let Maverick stretch his legs for a while.  On the way back we stopped for a bathroom break at the “Tree of Mystery” roadside attraction.   They have a gondola ride through the trees.  We weren’t interested so we never figured out what the “mystery” was about.  Out front they also have a giant Paul Bunyan and Babe to draw you in.

Maverick enjoyed the Smith River in Jedidiah Smith Redwood Park
Beautiful drive through Jedidiah on Howland Hill Road
On the way back we stopped at the super kitchy “Tree of Mystery”

Saturday, 7 April 2018 – Drury-Cheney Trail and Ferndale

I know, another big tree. This is on Drury-Cheney trail. We never get tired of it.
Old Victorian building in Ferndale.
Fortuna Riverwalk along the Eel River

Today we headed down the Drury Cheney Trail. This was a beautiful trail about 2.2 miles round trip. It didn’t seem that long because the trail was nicely maintained, the scenery was spectacular, and the weather was perfect. The trail winds continuously through the giant trees surrounded with bright green ferns and clover. Much of the trail followed a nice creek.
After the trail we decided to visit Ferndale. Ferndale is a historical Victorian downtown. Kind of pretty but not much there really. We, ate at the Farmhouse restaurant. The food was tasty but seemed not a great value. It as much fancier than Donna and I care for. Right next door to the restaurant was a pet wash. We decided Maverick needed washing and took advantage of the self-wash option. Maverick looked great afterwards. On the way back to the coach we stopped at the Fortuna Riverwalk. The riverwalk is just a well prepared trail following the Eel River and we enjoyed a short walk.

Friday, 6 April 2018 – Avenue of the Giants and Eureka

Ok, here are some pictures of the Giant Redwood forest and trails.  There just isn’t any way to adequately represent this forest in pictures.

Founders tree again
Easy trail with Giants everywhere!
Red Dog got into the act a little.
Red Dog exploring the banks of the South Fork Eel River

Today we started off by driving the Avenue of the Giants to find the Founders Grove trail.  The trail is wide, flat, and only about 0.3 miles.  It features the Founders Tree shown above.   This area is a lot like Muir Woods but without the crowds and with even more giant trees.   Maybe in the summer the crowds are bad but right now we only shared trails and parking with a few others.  The forest is truly spectacular and there are trails all over this forest.  This whole area is essentially the Homboldt State Park.   Until recently the park claimed the tallest and largest living thing on Earth but now that title is assigned to the Redwoods National and State Park area.   We are only talking like 10ft height difference either way.   The only drag for us is that Red Dog isn’t allowed on any trails.  We did let him explore the parking area at the Founders Grove and just after we found a pull out for river access that allowed dogs.   The river access is the first time we officially used our Jeep 4WD capability, though probably not absolutely necessary.  The access did warn that 4WD was recommended.  4WD was used for climbing a short embankment back up to the road on wet smooth rocks.

Getting our paws wet in the Eel River

After our hike we drove to Eureka CA.  We had lunch at the Lost Coast Brewery (Tripadvisor #1 at this time).  The fish and chips were really good and the place had a nice vibe.   We drove the small historical area including a few historic buildings and then we went to the Sequoya City Park in Eureka.  The city park was terrific.  Again, huge trees with nice trails everywhere.  The best part was Red Dog was allowed on-leash.  We spent quite a while walking all around the park and Maverick had a blast.  I should mention that it was raining steady pretty much all day.  The temperature was about 65 so we weren’t really cold, just wet.  We just suited up in our raincoats and made the best of it.  It wasn’t bad at all.  It continued raining and much harder through the night (about 2 inches in 24 hours).  We heard that San Francisco area got 4-5 inches so its probably good we got out of there when we did.

Elaborate historic building in Eureka

After the city park we replenished supplies  at Walmart and headed back to the coach.  As you can probably tell from all of the pictures, we had a great day and really enjoyed the forest.

Thursday, 5 April 2018 – Travel Day and the Avenue of the Giants

New campsite at Ancient Redwoods Park
Red Dog getting the inside story of the Giant Coastal Redwoods
The “Immortal” is on the parking lot of the RV Park.
Immortal Tree Facts
Big Trees or what?! Checking in at the Park
Red Dog working the Redwood Truck

Today was travel day.  We packed up and left Point Reyes and headed for Redcrest and the Avenue of the Giants.  Lots of pictures for just the first 1/2 day here in Redcrest CA!  The park is really pretty and located in the middle of the giant redwoods.  The park is very affordable at about $37/night for full hook ups and, for the first time, really good park internet.  The internet is really good because there is no cell service which is our normal internet source.

The avenue of the giants is truly amazing with giant trees right up against the road.  We only saw a little of it today but plan on exploring tomorrow.   The drive here was about 4.5 hours and was pretty tiring in a big rig, taking HWY 101 the entire way.   After getting settled in we took a short drive down part of the Avenue and it motivated us for tomorrow.   We then drove about 20 minutes to Fortuna and found the Eel River Brewery.  We had a great meal and really enjoyed the place.   After dinner we headed back to the coach and enjoyed movie night.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018 – Sonoma

Mission San Francisco Selano in downtown Sonoma
Sonoma, Sears Point Raceway

Today we decided to go to Sonoma CA.   We had originally thought we would go into San Francisco for normal touristy site-seeing.  After Muir Woods we changed our minds.  We’ve been to San Fran a number of times and didn’t feel there was enough value for use to fight traffic, park, and hassle the Big Red Dog.  Sonoma has a really scenic and historical downtown square.  We ate a tasty slice of pizza at Mary’s and walked the square.  A really nice and relaxing place.   Afterwards we drove out by the Sonoma/Sears Point raceway just because it was close.  We only got a few minutes before an event was scheduled but that was fine for us.  I just wanted to see the track in person.