Thursday, 23 August 2018 – Pikes Peak

Many superb views on the drive up Pikes Peak
Maverick’s serious face at the summit of Pikes Peak. It was cold, he was frisky, and didn’t wan’t to sit for a picture.

We set out this morning directly to Pikes Peak. At the entrance gate we were allowed a summit pass mainly because of Maverick. Everyone else were being told they must park either at the lodge or parking a couple of miles from the summit and take the shuttle the remaining distance. We really lucked out. The weather is really pretty this morning and the scenery was really great. When we arrived at the summit we discovered the reason for severely limited parking. The summit was all under construction and there was limited space for parking. We enjoyed the views and the gift shop but didn’t stay outside very long. At the summit it was 39 deg F and 40-50 MPH winds. Pretty miserable to be outside even with the pretty good coats we were wearing. Donna and I had both been to the peak multiple times but it is still a beautiful drive and view. After Pikes Peak we headed into Colorado Springs and to On The Border Mexican restaurant.  On The Border was our favorite for a long time in Allen and we had not had good fajitas in a long time. Even though it wasn’t the best service or food we’ve had at an On The Border we really enjoyed lunch all the same. We sat outside on the patio and the temperature was not quite 80 deg F. With views of the mountains lunch was super nice. Next we did a little shopping before heading to the local dog park. Maverick had a great romp around the park with the local hounds.