We headed straight out to the Fall River Pass Road where we left off yesterday. The one-way portion is dirt road in pretty good condition. Only a mile down the road is the lower part of the Chasm Falls. We stopped here and explored all around the river. The falls are not too impressive here but the trails around the river were really nice and fun. Maverick really enjoyed the river even though he had to stay on leash due to the other 10 or so people around. Next stop was the upper part of the Chasm Falls. Here the falls were much more pronounced and quite beautiful. The trail along the falls was short and wide but pretty steep. I climbed boulders down beyond the prepared trail to get better view. I really winded in the high altitude air by the time I climbed back up the boulders and trail. A few miles up the road we stopped again at a nice pull out near the river. There were many trails around the river and near the road. Maverick had a great time on-leash again. As we were getting back in the car two other people said there were two Elk just 20 yards down one path we hadn’t taken. I put Maverick up and literally only went 10 or 20 yards before I saw a huge, majestic, Stag Elk with a huge rack laying down nearby. He was amazing! Our next stop was a beautiful alpine meadow that had a few elk wandering around. Finally the road joined the Trail Ridge Road at the Alpine Visitor Center. We had a nice lunch at the Visitor Center and then headed back down the Trail Ridge Road.