Tuesday, 14 August 2018 – Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Thousands of Prairie Dogs throughout Teddy Roosevelt National Park
Maverick climbed the rocks to enjoy the high scenic viewpoint in the Park
The view from the RV Park restaurant was very nice but the meal was just mediocre.

We drove into the park today to check it out. The park has dramatic Badlands scenery and some wildlife. We didn’t have super high expectations and had a really good time on the 28 miles scenic drive. We stopped frequently at the scenic turn-outs and hiked a few of the very short paths to elevated viewpoints. We saw tons of chubby prairie dogs, wild horses with very young foals, and herds of Bison with many young calves. We ate dinner at the RV park “steakhouse”. We were very hopeful, but alas, it turned out to be just fair. We were the only customers and that never bodes well.