Monday, 1 August through 4 August 2018 – Retracing our steps down the Alaska Highway

Destruction Bay along the route
At Watson Lake we revisited the signpost forest to find the marker left by a favorite blogger called Keep Your Daydream. They were a couple of weeks behind us on their Alaska adventure
Lots of wild Bison on the road again
Big Horn Sheep right on the road at Muncho Lake
Maverick enjoyed our lunch at beautiful Muncho Lake.

I think this is the first time we didn’t report every day. Why? Because we are retracing our steps down the Alaska highway to its start at Dawson Creek B.C. Not much new to report. We start August by leaving Discovery Yukon Lodge near Beaver Creek YT. Our route took us through Whitehorse, Watson Lake, Fort Nelson, and ended the Alaska Highway at Dawson Creek on August 4th. We leave Dawson creek tomorrow along a new route towards Jasper National Park.
Along the way we did see a Black Bear, a large herd of Bison, and a Big Horn Sheep. Because our driving segments were a little long Donna did ½ the driving. She did an amazing job through narrow mountainous roads. Way to go!