Sunday, 31 July 2018 – Travel day to Discovery Yukon Lodge

Back at Discovery Yukon with a nice site right on the runway and Maverick play area
Maverick helping me cook Salmon on our $20 Walmart gas grill.

Leaving Alaska behind! It is bittersweet, but its finally time. We have had an amazing time in Alaska with unbelievable adventures and scenery. Today we retraced our steps to the Discovery Yukon lodge near Beaver Creek. We stayed here on the way up and like it pretty well. Like before the roads are pretty bad. Not quite as bad as the Richardson Highway between Valdez and Tok, but still bad. There isn’t much to choose from between Tok Alaska and Whitehorse YT. We ate lunch at Buckshot Betty’s in Beaver Creek about 20 miles before the RV Park. The food was very good and it was definitely local color. The park is nearly deserted and we got a very spacious pull through. We debated for a while about continuing further down the road. Whitehorse is another 6 hours and seemed too far and we couldn’t find a good RV park in between so we chose to stay here again. Tomorrow we will go to Whitehorse. We enjoyed the spacious grass runway to exercise Maverick….no there weren’t any planes. We decided to cook salmon for dinner and tried grilled with and without barbecue sauce. Both ways were pretty tasty.