Monday, 30 July 2018 – Travel day to Tok

Donna followed the coach through Keystone Canyon so I could drive the long uphill climb to Thompson Pass without towing.
The Wrangell Mountains were more visible on our way back by the National Park
A very pretty campsite in Tok

Just like the previous 2 mornings, we were woke up at 5am by the fishermen next to us in the RV park. The made this park absolutely miserable for us. They would stay up to 1130pm drinking and carrying on and then get up at 5am and spend over an hour making more noise than your could imagine packing the boat and yelling at each other. We’ve never been so glad to leave an RV park.
The weather today was much clearer and made the drive very scenic all the way from Valdez to Tok. The road, however was pretty terrible for at least half the distance on and off. We could only travel at 35 mph on long stretches and even then the road beat us up pretty bad. It wouldn’t be nearly as bad in a soft suspension car, but in a big rig it was very unpleasant. Tomorrow we start retracing our steps from Tok back toward Dawson Creek for about 8 days. Unfortunately we know the road for the next two days will be pretty bad as well. We decided yesterday against driving the 7 hour round trip into the Kennicott Visitor Center in the Wrangell National Park. The drive just didn’t look like it would have enough payoff to make 7 hours on the gravel roads worth it.
We arrived at the Tundra RV Resort in Tok about 3pm and I filled with diesel as we entered town. The park is nicely wooded with pretty decent space between sites. We also have full hookups which is really nice. In Valdez we didn’t have sewer so we couldn’t run our clothes washer. After getting setup Donna took all of our laundry to the RV park Laundry and got us all caught up. We don’t do that often and it is nice to have all of the laundry caught up at once. Like last time in Tok, we ate at Fast Eddy’s. We had to wait quite a while to get seated but it was good after that. There isn’t much in Tok and after dinner we headed back to the coach. Once again I cleaned the enormous windshield and the front of the coach, it was past due.