Sunday, 29 July 2018 – Glacier cruise from Valdez

Nice, new two level catamaran. You were welcome to stand on the bridge and talk with the captain as he piloted the ship.
Valdez harbor looked beautiful today.
Very neat heading out the Valdez Straights.
One of the many rivers/waterfalls that stair-step and cascade from great heights.
We very slowly navigated miles of ice before reaching the glacier
There were quite a few ice bergs as big as our boat
This is the main leg (of three) of the Columbia Glacier. The face you see is about 200 feet high.
Sea Otters loved to lounge on the ice bergs
Lots of Stellar Sea Lions on one of the islands.

Today we took a glacier cruise in Prince William Sound. The tour was on a fairly large catamaran. The boat was very new and nice. We cruised to the Columbia Glacier. The last 2 or 3 miles traversed lots of ice and icebergs. The temperature dropped 15 degrees or so from the 65 deg F of Valdez so you really needed your heavy coat. The Columbia Glacier has retreated since 1980 and now is actually three separate glaciers. The largest face is ½ mile wide. The ice at the face is 200 feet high above the water and 900 feet below the surface of the water. It is pretty amazing. On the way to and from the glacier we cruised near the coast to spot wildlife. We saw Bald Eagles, Tufted Puffins, and Horn Bill Puffins. We also saw many Stellar Sea Lions and quite a few Sea Otters lounging on icebergs. Maverick did great by himself as usual and was excited to see us return. After a walk to stretch his legs we went back to town and ate at the Wheelhouse restaurant that is part of the Best Western. It was quite good and had a lovely view of the marina. We had a great time today and would highly recommend the cruise.