Wednesday, 25 July 2018 – Movie Day

Maverick on the trail at the Bog Park.

Today we went to see an early movie. We saw Ant Man and the Wasp. Not high-brow but entertaining none-the-less. We took Maverick to what I thought was a Dog Park on Google Maps but realized when we got there it was Bog Park! Oh well, the park was in an average neighborhood but had trails through wet lands and trees. Maverick really loved exploring the trails. We ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse again to try to hold us until we were back in the lower 48. We also stocked up a Walmart since we would be in the boonies again for quite some time. By the way, most of the time in Anchorage we had high temperatures in the mid-60’s. We did have intermittent light rain some time most days here in Anchorage.