Saturday, 21 July – Travel day to Anchorage Cabela’s

Driving down the Seward Highway is very scenic
Maverick approved of our dog park choice.

We originally thought we might stop in Portage on the way back to Anchorage but instead decided to drive all the way to Anchorage. We didn’t have any reservations so we camped at Cabela’s. Cabela’s is a RV friendly chain that always has RV parking that can be used overnight for free. Because we arrived by noon, we didn’t have any problem finding a good parking spot. By 8pm there were 20 RV’s and no possible room for others. We ate lunch at our favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse. We found a nice dog park with a lake and took Maverick. Being Saturday, there were many dog friends to play with and Maverick had an amazing time. At one point I jokingly told Maverick if he were a good retriever he would bring me a duck. He immediately took off swimming straight toward the ducks across the lake. Wow. Uh, now what?! Donna and I yelled at him to come back we were joking. Maverick turned around and swam back. I should say that Maverick doesn’t normally swim much beyond wading distance. To see him take off into deep water for a long swim completely floored both Donna and I. I don’t know how much English Maverick understands but it is a lot more than I gave him credit for.