Sunday, 8 July 2018 – Iditarod Headquarters and a Movie

Iditarod headquarters had a sled team giving rides.
Never pass up an opportunity to love a puppy. This is a future sled dog.

Today it is a little rainy today and quite a bit cooler. We headed first to the Iditarod Headquarters. The “headquarters” is a gift shop, a sled team, and best of all, sled dog puppies. When we arrived there was a bus just unloading and we thought about leaving and coming back. We decided to stay and immediately headed for the puppies. They were great, as puppies always are. Next to the puppies was a sled dog team with a wheeled cart where you could get rides for $10 per person. We’ve had plenty of sled dog adventures so we decided to pass. Next was the actual headquarters. The headquarters was half gift shop and half theater. As leaving, two more buses arrived so it would have been bad if we had waited for later. The theater continuously showed a movie on the history of the Iditarod. We didn’t care to watch the movie.
We had lunch at the Last Frontier Brewery. This didn’t seem much like a brew pub and more just a restaurant. It was OK but not great and kind of pricey. After lunch Donna took me by Sports Clips to get my hair cut. After that, we dropped by a movie theater and bought tickets for Jurassic Park, then went back to the coach for a while waiting for the movie to start. When we arrived for the movie we found the theater was VERY crowded. The movie was nearly sold out so it was good we had tickets. The movie was good. Afterwards we headed to Starbucks because I wanted some fast download time. I was disappointed, the place was crowded and the internet jammed up. After failing to get my downloads we just headed back to the coach.