Friday, 6 July 2018 – Thunder Bird Falls and the town of Palmer

Thunderbird falls were very pretty.
Maverick really enjoyed the trail to the falls.
The scenery around Anchorage is great. This is on the way to Palmer.
Maverick liked the Palmer Farmer’s Market


This morning we ran a few more errands and again had fast food for lunch. After a little while we decided to head up the road to Thunder Bird Falls. The trail to the falls is just a little ways off of highway AK-1. The trail to the falls is 1 mile with a gorge overview at ½ mile. The trail was very popular with both locals and tourists like us. It is pet friendly so Maverick drug us up the trail. The trail is pretty straight, nicely forested, and pretty steep in sections. The gorge overlook is pretty nice and the falls are pretty but not spectacular. We have become very spoiled by the many great falls we’ve seen in the last 6 months. There were also many mosquitoes and we forgot to apply any repellent before leaving the car. After the falls we felt like exploring so we took the nearby road into Palmer. Palmer is a small community not far from Wasilla. We discovered a local Farmers Market in progress so checked it out. It was small but nice. If it had been meal time we would have eaten there because one of the food trucks smelled amazing.