Monday, 2 July 2018 – Talkeetna

Fish Lake float plane base
Neat cabin at Fish Lake float plane base
Maverick exploring the river trail including the railroad bridge. This walkway is just large enough for 4-wheeler access to the community on the other side
Alaska rail that services many homes along the railway that are off-grid and in the wilderness
Waiting on lunch at the West Rib restaurant

This morning we got our Diet Coke and headed into Talkeetna. Our RV park is about 20 miles outside of town. First we stopped at Fish Lake where a float plane base takes tourists on siteseeing and fishing trips. The lake and float plane base is very pretty. Next we headed for Talkeetna Alaska Lodge to enjoy the views from their wonderful deck. This was a favorite spot from 5 years ago. If I were going to stay in a hotel in this area, this would be the place. It is super nice, fairly close to town, and has spectacular views of Denali. After hanging out for an hour or so, we headed into downtown for lunch. We ate at West Rib. This was another favorite from our previous visit. Five years ago West Rib was featured on the TV show Man vs Food. We sat outside and had a super nice lunch. This time of year the Cottonwood Trees are blowing their “cotton” in unbelievable amounts. It looks like it is snowing everywhere downtown. It collects as drifts along buildings and curbs an inch or two deep. After lunch we walked along the river and Maverick got some off-leash time. Donna checked out a few more gift shops we missed yesterday while Maverick and I waited in the car. Before heading back to the coach we drove around the Talkeenta airport. We wanted to make sure where to be for our flightseeing tour tomorrow and I enjoy seeing all of the bush planes.
A note about DENALI VIEWING!

If this is your first time to Alaska be aware that they claim only 30% of people visiting Alaska get a clear view of the Mountain. This is because it is shrouded in clouds much of the time. While there are views of the mountain from Denali National Park, the views are mostly distant and only at certain gaps in the mountain ranges. I believe the views deeper in the park are better but we only committed to the 6 hour round trip and our pictures show the mountain as good as we could hope for. By far the best viewing is from the South either in the Denali State Park or in the town of Talkeetna. The mountain is much closer, visually bigger, and more prominent from this side of the Alaska Range. There are two official state park view points, Denali View North and Denali View South. Both on the road South of the actual mountain range. Our pictures from Mary Cary’s McKinley View Lodge is very close to the Denali View South park and from our campground. The mountain seems huge in real life and small in our pictures. It is the largest visual landmark I have ever seen in person. Not only is the mountain very tall at over 20,000 feet but it has the largest “prominence” or “relief” falling over 14,000 feet from the peak in a sheer face before reaching the smaller mountains/foot hills.