Tuesday, 19 June 2018 – Travel Day to Discovery Yukon Lodge

DC-3 Wind Sock at the Whitehorse airport
We saw these grizzlys not too far out of Whitehorse
We stopped for lunch at Haines Junction. The scenery was nice
Nice park at Discovery Yukon Lodge
Maverick loved play on the grass airstrip at the RV Park

Today I got up and made reservations for the Discovery Yukon Lodge and RV park before we hit the road. This park is about ½ way between Whitehorse and Tok Alaska. On the way out we stopped by the Whitehorse airport so I could see the iconic DC-3 airplane setup as a windvane. This windvane is a real DC-3 operated here into the ‘60s. They mounted on a pole in perfect balance so that it always points into the wind. Very cool. In between Whitehorse and Haines Junction we saw a mama and cub grizzly bear on road. We were lucky to get some pictures as they headed back into the woods. Amazing. We were pleasantly surprised when we arrived at the RV park. The grounds were really nice and the park is located up against some beautiful mountains. The park also has a grass airplane landing strip. No airplanes used the strip while we were there and Maverick loved such a huge area to run and play off-leash. The management were super nice as well. The park was 20 miles from the nearest town so we just hung out at the coach in this very peaceful place.