Sunday, 17 June 2018 – Travel Day to Watson Lake Yukon

Lots of bison and their calves along the road
We originally thought this was a Grizzly but a book we read suggests its a Brown Black Bear
Watson lake Signpost Forest
Watson Lake is very nice and the water is very clear

We got up early because the entire overflow parking area started driving out at 6am. The closer we get to Alaska the more it feels like a race to get there. I’m sure many people are on a tighter time schedule than us and are trying to get to Alaska quickly. The drive to Watson Lake is only about 2 ½ hours. We left about 8:30AM. This drive was quite pretty and we saw lots of wildlife. First 3 bison, 2 Black bears, one Black, 7 bison with two babies, a brown Black Bear, 4 Bison with 4 babys, a whole herd of Bison and another 2 Black Bears!! Wow! In total we saw 8 Black Bears today and many Bison. Best wildlife siting day ever.
We arrived in Watson Lake about 11:30 and had no problem getting a 50A full hook up site. Our satellite has been unable to see any satellites since leaving Dawson Creek. The satellites seem to be too low on the horizon for our antenna to see them. This park has a coin operated RV wash and we were in need. During the trip out of Dawson Creek it was raining and the road grime coated the coach and car in a thick mud coating. The wash was really good and powerful but if you didn’t use a brush it dried with a muddy coating. By the time we finished the coach and car looked great.
We ate across the street at Kathy’s Diner and the food was good. After lunch we explored the road sign forest. This iconic Alaska Highway attraction features an amazing number of signs posted since the creation of the highway. Attached to the Signpost Forest is a nice Yukon visitor center.  The Visitor center had lots of interesting history about the construction of the Alaska Highway and the hosts were very informative and provided lots of literature about the Yukon and its wildlife.  Next we next drove to Williams Campground. The lake was very scenic and Maverick really enjoyed running around off leash. We then explored the Watson Lake airport and attached lake recreation area. The airport had a neat memorial to a Lincoln Bomber crew that crash landed in the lake. We made it back to the coach by 4pm and have exhausted just about everything in the town of Watson Lake.