Saturday, 16 June 2018 – Travel Day to Liard River Hot Springs

Beautiful Muncho Lake
Maverick enjoyed a swim while we enjoyed lunch
Beautiful lunch location
Bison on the road
Black Bear on the road
Liard River Hot Springs
Nice facilities at the springs
Our overflow camping spot at the springs

So today we had a choice of driving over 7 hours to Watson Lake YT, or stopping earlier for dry camping. We stopped at Muncho Lake for lunch. We got out the lawn chairs and setup right on the lake edge. Lunch was awesome in 70deg F weather and beautiful scenery. After lunch we drove on to the Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park. During the drive was saw two small Black Bear near the road. How cool! As expected, we found the main campground already full. The park has “overflow” parking that is a large gravel lot. We paid our fee and parked in overflow.

The park namesake is the natural hot springs. After getting setup we decided to try them out. It is about a 10 minute walk along a wood boardwalk. The hot springs are quite large and has super nice dressing rooms and decks. The hot springs were really hot and we couldn’t stay in the water too long. The springs were really beautiful, clean, and not too crowded. It was a really nice experience.

On the walk back we were noticing how hot it was. Back at the coach we fired up the generator and started the A/C. Donna cooked dinner and we watched a movie. After the movie it was time to kill the generator. It was at this time we both realized it is still hot outside and we need to turn off the A/C. Funny it didn’t dawn us before now. We worried about sleeping tonight with it being too hot. I should also mention the parking lot is attached to an active rest area and the combination is super dusty. We didn’t want to open the windows as a result. Luckily it was cool enough, even with windows shut to sleep comfortably. We have taken for granted since we left in January it would always be cool by late afternoon. We have to pay closer attention, even this far north.