Tuesday, 12 June 2018 – Travel Day to Tudyah Provincial Park

Maverick recommends a nice swim at Tudyah Lake!
Tudyah Lake Just after sunset around 10:15pm.

We arose today to beautiful weather. It didn’t take too long to get the rig ready, even with a McDonalds’s Diet Coke run. We were on the road by 9:30 am and headed North on Hwy 97. The road was mostly two lane in good condition and other than a few short stretches was reasonably level. By about noon we found ourselves in Prince George. Prince George is a nice town about 90,000 population. We kept our eye out for a good lunch spot where we could park the coach easily. We found Moxie’s Grill. The grill is a trendy, modern restaurant. We sat outside in 70 deg F sunshine. The service and food were really good and we really enjoyed lunch. After lunch we continued on the road. Our stop for tonight was Tudyah Lake Provincial Park. I was really aiming for Wiskers Point Provincial Park but as I passed it at 60mph I realized I had plugged in different park. We arrived at 3:30pm and decided to check out Tudyah and were happy with what we found. We parked the rig near the boat ramp in this pretty park. The parks in this area are dry camping and we planned on that. Maverick was overjoyed with a park, a lake, a babbling creek filling the lake, and trails. All within 50 yards of the coach. The temperature is 70 deg F and skies are clear. Pretty nice digs if you ask me. After setting up and chilling for a little bit Maverick made it clear we REALLY needed to check out the park. We walked to the creek and around the lake. We intentionally made lots of noise because one of the reviews talked about the bears they encountered. The only down side is that this place is a mosquito haven. They are huge and swarming. Around 5pm we decided to start the generator so we could enjoy some satellite TV. Its rough out here in the back country.