Friday, 8 June 2018 – Camping World and Burlington WA (again)

You can barely see our camping spot between the Airstream and the Fifth Wheel waiting for service
Maverick and I got bored in the Camping World waiting area

We got up early this morning to be ready to check the coach into service. We slept pretty well despite some traffic noise and occasional train. Check-in went pretty quickly. The awning was expected to complete easily today but there was some doubt about getting the antenna installed today. We grabbed some breakfast and Diet Cokes and then took Maverick to a nearby veterinarian. Mav’s Bordatella (sp?) just expired so we wanted to get him caught up before heading to Alaska. Next we bummed around some shops before Mav’s 1200 grooming appointment at Pets Mart. We checked in at Pets Mart to discover they wouldn’t touch him if he had any shots in the past 48 hours. Bummer. We ate lunch at Five Guys Burgers and then took Maverick to a nice big dog park. After the park we went to see the Ocean’s Eight movie. It was time for Maverick and I to return to camping world before the shop shut down for the night. Donna headed to a massage. Turns out they have the awning installed and the antenna installed but won’t finish a couple of brackets until tomorrow morning. They pulled the coach out a 5pm just outside the work bay so we could camp on the parking lot again. This time Camping World provided 50A that made the camping much easier. The technician suggested I check out the satellite tonight since he didn’t have a chance to inside the bay. The new antenna found 3 satellites as expected BUT it became apparent they were the WRONG satellites. After a little Internet digging I discovered Winegard sent us the antenna for DIRECTV instead of DISH. I hope that doesn’t mean waiting for another antenna to be shipped by Winegard. Today it rained on and off all day.