Saturday, 26 May 2018 – Travel Day to Spokane WA

The upper falls in downtown Spokane WA
Lower falls downtown Spokane.
Maverick checking out the casino back lot.  Our coach is visible 2nd from the right.

Today we got up early to head out on our trip to Glacier National Park. We decided two days ago that we would rather go to Glacier than hang out a week waiting for Camping World to get our parts. We planned to break up the trip up by stopping in Spokane WA along the way. I did not choose to reserve a RV park for Spokane, planning instead to dry camp either at Walmart or one of the local casinos. Once we got to Spokane we first stopped at Walmart. It was a very busy store with some campers already there. It didn’t look too promising so we checked out the two nearby casinos. Northern Quest casino had good reviews on camping sites and was the best looking alternative. The casino has a large gravel parking lot out back and was filled with pretty decent looking campers. We claimed a choice spot away from most of the other campers. After settling in I replaced the coach fuel filter with one I picked up in Seattle. The coach was stuttering on high throttle hills and I am getting concerned. After my quick maintenance, we checked out the casino and then we went downtown Spokane to see the Spokane Falls. The falls were wonderful and easy to see. Spokane is a nice looking town located on Spokane River. The terrain becomes lightly forested again by the time you get to the town and the area is quite attractive. After enjoying the falls we had dinner at Anthony’s. Anthony’s overlooks the falls and was a pleasant dinner. After dinner we didn’t want to hang out at the casino so we decided to see a movie We saw the latest Star Wars movie Solo.