Friday, 25 May 2018 – Microsoft

Maverick enjoying his last day in our Seattle urban oasis.

We didn’t really have any big attraction to see today. We scratched our heads about what to do and decided to check out the home campus of Microsoft.  Microsoft is located not too far away in Redmond.  Donna looked it up and determined there was a public visitor center so off we went.  We found the campus consisted of many office buildings spread over a very large area. There were young folks with backpacks running everywhere. We first found the company store and browsed. Lots of nice Microsoft branded clothes, notebooks, and office things but nothing we were interested in. The nice clerk did point us the right direction to the visitor center. The visitor center isn’t anything special. It is basically one large room outfitted with Microsoft Surface computers, X-Box gaming consoles, and a collection of novel software just to entertain the passing visitor. Kind of like visiting the Microsoft store in the mall. Of course we didn’t think to take any pictures of the campus or the visitor center so you only have my prose to imagine what it was like.
After Microsoft we had a quick burger at Fatburger.  Fatburger is a fast food chain prevalent on the West coast. We went back to the coach where I played on the computer and Donna left for retail therapy.