Tuesday, 22 May 2018 – Salty’s on Akai Beach

Nice view from Salty’s

Today we had to move the RV to another spot within the RV park. This move took all morning. We were planning on a nice dinner tonight so we just snacked in the coach for lunch. Maverick and I enjoyed the nature trails and sat outside in the fantastic weather for a while. At about 5:30 we headed back downtown to go to Salty’s on Akai Beach. Traffic was crazy bad and we had to delay our reservation by 30 minutes to give us more time. This restaurant is located directly across the sound from downtown Seattle. It provides stunning views of downtown as the sun descends behind the Western hills. We enjoyed a corner window table to enjoy the views. While the views and service were great I was disappointed in the food. I remember really great food from when I was traveling here years ago. This time the prices were higher and the food was not nearly as good. I guess not everything stands the test of time.