Friday, 18 May 2018 – Snoqualmie Falls

Snoqualimie Falls
Maverick is moist from enjoying the falls and wet grass
Weeks Falls
Maverick really likes the Snoqualmie River near Weeks Falls
The Olallie State Park has beautiful short trails and contains Weeks Falls

We headed East this morning for Snoqualmie. The reason for this trip is to visit the scenic mountains and popular Snoqualmie Fallls. Donna and I had visited there many years ago and the falls are beautiful and easily accessible. We parked right at the falls and the three of us spent the next hour enjoying the various views of the falls and the very beautiful grounds of the park. The falls park was quite crowded. Maverick waited in the car while Donna and I investigated lunch at the Salish Lodge and Spa. The Salish Lodge is located on the edge of the same cliff that creates the falls. We ate in the lodge in the Atic restaurant. The restaurant overlooks the falls, though you can’t really see them. The falls are directly below you. We had an excellent lunch then headed into downtown Snoqualmie. We visited a really quaint hardware store simply because it looked cool We also went to the Railroad museum. This part of the museum was a 1800’s Victorian Train Station very little changed over the years. It had some interesting history posted. Unfortunately it did not contain very good trains themselves. We were told of the indoor train exhibit only a few miles away. We drove by the museum but decided to forgo the $10 entry fee for fear the exhibits would be of the limited quality we saw downtown. We then headed for Weeks Falls. Only another 9 miles down the road is the Ollalie state park that contains the falls. The falls were great, and unlike Snoqualmie, we had the entire park nearly to ourselves. We were able to let Maverick explore a trail off leash and he was thrilled. By the time we finished with the falls, we headed back to the coach before Seattle traffic got any worse.