Sunday, 13 May 2018 – Mother’s Days

The flowers around Port Angeles are beautiful
Nice day at the waterside in Port Angeles

Today we planned on just hanging around with no specific plans. We drove into town so I could take Donna to a nice Mother’s Day lunch. She picked out Chestnut Cottage. The restaurant was very nice, the service was good, and the food excellent. It was kind of a girly place and that perfect for the special occasion. After lunch we dropped by Swain’s General Store. It was really cool. Swain’s has everything. It reminds me of Elliots Hardware in Plano TX but with a clothing section that included high end outdoor brands like Patagonia, Keen, etc. We enjoyed shopping but didn’t buy anything. Next to Swains was a really nice park with giant trees and we spent time with Maverick there.

After the park, I decided to drop by Autozone to pick up a trivial piece of hardware. When I got out of the car the Dodge mini-van next to me appeared broken down. The older lady and her son and his wife were trying desperately o get back home to Oregon before Monday but the van wouldn’t run and there was no repair shop open on a Sunday afternoon. The Autozone employees and I both suspected an alternator. I felt called to help so I replaced their alternator on the parking lot with Autozone supplied tools. With parts and tools help from Autozone we got them back on the road after a little over an hour. Not what I planned, but it felt good to help a Mom on Mother’s Day. She was headed back to Newport where we had recently spent 3 nights (at Beverly Beach). Before heading back to the coach, the Red Dog Crew enjoyed sitting on a bench at the Port Angeles Harbor on a beautiful day. Tonight Donna and I ate in the coach. Tomorrow we get up early to take the ferry to Victoria B.C.