Sunday, 22 April 2018 – Redmond Caves

Maverick enjoying the lava tube caves of Redmond.
Nice patio dining at Wild Ride Brewery in Redmond. Food was awesome from food truck!

Today we hit the Redmond Lava Tube caves. This was the consolation prize since most of the Newberry National Volcanic Monument and its caves are still closed for the winter. The caves aren’t spectacular but they are interesting, close by, and very accessible. Again Maverick and us had the place to ourselves. The two biggest caves are easy to traverse and stand up in. The caves are a city park right by the Redmond airport. Next we went grocery shopping at Walmart and then hit the Redmond Wild Ride Brewery. After getting there we discovered the food was from the two food trucks on the parking lot and beer/drinks from the brewery proper. It is another beautiful day and we sat outside with Maverick and had a very good and ENORMOUS burger from the food truck. The place is very popular with 20-30 something demographic.