Monday, 12 March 2018 – San Diego Zoo

Today we got up early, took Maverick to day care and headed to the San Diego Zoo. What a beautiful zoo. The animals were great but the grounds are equally fantastic. It’s a botanical garden with a zoo in it. The zoo has lots of elevation change so by the end of the day we were pretty tired. This is one of the few zoos to have the Great Panda’s which are Donnas’ favorites. Unfortunately when we were there they were sleeping and so we could only see their butts. Our ticket included a nice bus tour that we took at the end. The crowds were pretty crazy for a Monday morning. It must be a madhouse on the weekends. We ate back at Fuddruckers (easy) and all crashed the rest of the night.

Sunday, 11 March 2018 -Gaslamp District

Got up late (daylights savings time). We drove downtown to the Gaslamp District. We picked the Gaslamp Tavern as our lunch spot. It was pretty good and not crowded. We then walked a few blocks around the area. Because we are glutens for punishment we went back to the Ocean Dog Beach. Being the weekend it was super crowded with both people and dogs. Mav had a great time until one aggressive dog attacked. The owner quickly separated them but not before Maverick got a bloody lip. Not too bad, but we were done. We decided to drive to Coronado Island just to see what was there. Lots of beautiful homes and a pretty beach. Since we just came from the beach we simply enjoyed driving around with the windows down. We came back to the coach and Donna went shopping while I started taxes and did other work stuff.

Saturday, 10 March 2018 – Old Town San Diego

Today as we left it was sprinkling. We headed off with no real direction at first and ended up at Old Town. This is the “old” historic San Diego with lots of restaurants and tourist shops. We ate a Miguel’s Mexican restaurant just before the crowds arrived. This had the added benefit of a parking spot. Maverick, Donna, and I walked the streets in a light rain. Donna shopped the tourist shops. Maverick was invited into one of the bigger tourist shops and enjoyed his admirers. Maverick was invited into the train shop but did not like the sounds so he and I quickly left while Donna spent time looking at the very elaborate model train setup.

Leaving old town I surprised Donna with a trip to La Jolla. The coastline here is very picturesque and populated with sea lions and harbor seals. It was really crowded but still lots of fun to see. Maverick was very curious about the sea lions and seals.

Friday, 9 March 2018 – Tour the Midway

This morning we headed downtown to see the Midway aircraft carrier. Maverick waited in the car for the 3 hours required to see the Midway. When I got back to the car, Mav and I played on the nearby grass for a while. I decided I could fund our trip by simply putting out a panhandle bucket and letting people pet Maverick. He is super popular everywhere we go. After play time Donna and I ate lunch at the Fish Market restaurant on the parking lot/bay. On the patio it was a great view of the harbor and the Midway. The prices weren’t terrible and the food pretty good. Next we wandered along the harbor until we came to Point Loma. There we discovered the Ocean Dog Beach. Maverick got to play with other dogs and run in the surf. He had a fantastic time. Now our car and coach are covered in sand. That’s the price we pay

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Today we traveled to San Diego. The trip took a little less than 3 hours. The KOA campground is nice but we don’t have a clear line of sight for satellite TV. Yuck. It wouldn’t be so bad but we are here for a full week. I tried our over the air antenna and we only get 3rd world or Spanish channels. Bummer. First order of business was lunch. We ate at the Fuddruckers in the historic Chula Vista downtown. Afterwards we went to Silver Strand State Beach to see the ocean. The weather here is awesome. Temperatures are in the low 70’s. Maverick loved the dog park with real grass for a change.