Sunday, 11 March 2018 -Gaslamp District

Got up late (daylights savings time). We drove downtown to the Gaslamp District. We picked the Gaslamp Tavern as our lunch spot. It was pretty good and not crowded. We then walked a few blocks around the area. Because we are glutens for punishment we went back to the Ocean Dog Beach. Being the weekend it was super crowded with both people and dogs. Mav had a great time until one aggressive dog attacked. The owner quickly separated them but not before Maverick got a bloody lip. Not too bad, but we were done. We decided to drive to Coronado Island just to see what was there. Lots of beautiful homes and a pretty beach. Since we just came from the beach we simply enjoyed driving around with the windows down. We came back to the coach and Donna went shopping while I started taxes and did other work stuff.