Friday, 23 February 2018 – Hoover Dam and Lake Mead


View from Hoover Dam
A view of the dam. I know, amazing, no one has ever taken this picture before (hah).
Maverick is checking out Lake Mead.

Today we went to see the Hoover Dam and Lake Mead. We had a great time. When we parked at the dam visitor center the young attendant asked us if Maverick was a service dog (wink-wink). It is against their policy to let pets walk on the dam nor be left in the car. Mav was a great service animal. We saw several other service animals with dubious qualifications. We also went to the Lake Mead National Recreation Area visitor center and scenic overlooks. We had lunch at a local hot spot in Boulder City called the Southwest Diner. It was excellent. It was in the 40’s today and pretty chilly.